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Is Alok Sir the No.1 Teacher in Tezpur? Rittiz’s Testimony

No.1 Teacher in Tezpur

Is Alok Sir the No.1 Teacher in Tezpur? Rittiz’s Testimony…

Rittiz Hazarika claims that Alok Sir is the Best Teacher in Tezpur – Is It True?

How and why Alok Sir Earned the Title of No.1 Teacher in Tezpur according to Rittiz Hazarika.

Read More and find out from Rittiz Hazarika’s Testimonial below:

Respected Alok Sir and hello everyone….

First of all congratulation for your grand success in making all your students shine in their Class X th Board Exam.
There is a saying that light or brightness is a symbol of knowledge and darkness is the symbol of dullness or foolishness.
Light dispels all darkness…… And you were like a source of bright which shone on my dark side of education..
Is Alok Sir the No.1 Teacher in Tezpur? I don’t think I was a student to be remarked as brilliant… but my current position…as reflected by my Class 10 CGPA has changed my status. I am identified today as brilliant ……. which I am all because of Campion A1.
Though everyone says that guardians inspire their children a lot …. that true and is expected.
But after my parents you are the only one who inspires me a lot.
You let me know my abilities and help me to explore it and improve it.

You are so perfect in your tutoring skills due to which your students have done a great work in their Class X Board Exams.

I think that you are “The No 1 teacher in Tezpur” with a unique style of educating the students. You know every child psychology and also how to deal with them.

In fact I will rather say “Alok Sir the best person” that I have ever met till date. Though I was very weak in Mathematics and hated it like anything and I remembering memorizing Maths in Class VII. But you did not let me lose my interest in the subjects…., You encouraged me, made an extra effort to clear my concepts, You also help me to keep my confidence level at a greater level to face any mathematical problem, earlier which I was scared to solve.

At last this is my simple and humble suggestion to all school students of Tezpur that……. do attend Alok Sir’s classes. I had benefited and it is your turn to improve your score in Maths and Science in Class IX & X and fulfill your parents expectations.

Alok Sir, I am very much thankful to you and your dedication. And truly from my heart and I want to give you the whole credit of my result, at which I am fully satisfied.

I want you to always keeps smiling and carry on your fantastic job in educating the students with all your valuable tips and guidance to become a good human being along with the academic studies.

Love , Regards and Thanks
Rittiz Dutta Hazarika
Gyan Bharati Academy
Tezpur, Assam

The No.1 teacher in Tezpur says Rittiz , Gyan Bharti

5 Solid Reasons why Rittiz believes Alok Sir is the best teacher in Tezpur

Why Rittiz Believes Alok Sir is the Best

Rittiz’s admiration for Alok Sir is deeply rooted in the transformative educational journey he has experienced. Here’s why Rittiz holds Alok Sir in such high esteem:

Firstly, Alok Sir’s exceptional teaching skills have not only led to outstanding academic results but have also instilled a sense of confidence and brilliance in Rittiz. His guidance has turned Rittiz’s self-perceived mediocrity into recognized excellence, as reflected in his Class 10 CGPA.

Secondly, Alok Sir’s influence extends beyond the academic realm. He has been a source of inspiration and motivation, helping Rittiz to discover and harness his potential, which has been pivotal in Rittiz’s personal growth.

Thirdly, Alok Sir’s unique approach to education, which tailors to the psychological needs of each child, has made learning a personalized and effective experience for Rittiz. This bespoke method has helped Rittiz overcome his aversion to Mathematics, transforming it from a subject of fear to one of competence and enjoyment.

Fourthly, Alok Sir’s dedication to his students is unparalleled. He goes above and beyond to ensure that concepts are clear and confidence levels are high, enabling students like Rittiz to tackle mathematical problems with ease and assurance.

Fifthly, Rittiz’s recommendation of Alok Sir’s classes to all students in Tezpur is a testament to the profound impact Alok Sir has had on his students’ lives, both academically and personally. It’s clear that for Rittiz, Alok Sir is not just a teacher, but a mentor, an inspirer, and the ‘No.1 teacher in Tezpur’.