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9 Solid Interview techniques

9 solid Easy Time-Tested Job Interview techniques for You ONLY...

Do you know that “92% of US Adults fear Job Interviews”. But YOU need not Anymore!

9 Solid Interview techniques

Research has shown that the main fears experienced by job seekers attending a job interview are:
  • Fear of Job Interview: While 92% of Americans said “at least one thing” about job interviews is stressful.
  • Fear of being late: Workers in the South were more likely than those in the Midwest to choose “to be late for the interview” as their top fear (17%).
  • Fear of making Poor Impression: Making “a poor first impression” during a job interview is the biggest fear of American workers aged 18 to 34, who are more likely than those aged 45 to 54 to say such (10%).

Keeping all these in mind, we present to you 9 Solid Easy Time-Tested Job Interview techniques for You! Reading these powerful and easy techniques. you will acquire game-changing knowledge for interviews namely as follow:

  • How to get a Job?
  • How to quit a Job getting a brand-new one?
  • How to prepare for a Job Interview?
  • Know the subtle nuances of “A Job Interview”.
  • Plus, how to prepare the right answers?
  • Positive Mental Preparation for “A Job Interview”
  • Anticipate the probable questions you will be asked.
  • Next, how to direct your interview to your strengths?
  • Strike the right bargain without being deemed an impostor.
  • Finally, knowing all these will make you love your interviews. Best of Luck!

“9 solid Easy Time-Tested Job Interview techniques to get a high paying Job.

Once upon a time, I had this rather “Bindas Attractive Smart” close friend of mine.

She was a seasoned World War I veteran. She was the kind of person, who could walk right into the middle of any relationship like a cool summer breeze, and exit without a single scratch on her mind, body, and soul.

9 Solid Interview techniquesI was a great admirer of her both in terms of physical and mental assets. In one word, she was “Cool” as they say.

Post our MBA, we had those intense job interview sessions which she unfailingly cleared without much ado.

I begged and pleaded with her to tell me her mind-blowing miraculous trick as my interviews were going nowhere. “You imagine all of them naked and then your interview takes off.”

Aha! Pearls of Wisdom!

She said finally relenting, giving a novice like me pearls of rare worldly wisdom. It was a shocker though and it set me reflecting that it was a pretty gender-less-looking technique like Michael Jackson and pondered whether I could practice something as crude as that considering my gender barriers.

Anyway, I got very curious and when the next big MNC interview was over, I innocently asked her, “Did you do it to the Motu (the fat one), Did you do it to the Old tired snooty Hag? Did you do it to the sweet sixteen looking one? What about the good-looking Stud?” Did you undress mentally the innocent-looking one too?…

Resultant: She screamed at my warped mind… “Stop it…Please Stop it, …it did not work this time…I kind of liked the good-looking guy and we exchanged numbers, but my job interview was not OK”. My immature search for that elusive interview technique & strategy was nipped in the bud and vanished into the thin air.

Job Interviews give people jitters. It makes you sweat and nervous sometimes.

No wonder 92% of Americans say that at least one thing about job interviews is stressful.

The fact that you cannot anticipate what will be asked, make people sleep less and do some pretty weird things.

9 Solid Time Tested Interview Techniques for you
92% of US Adults fear Job Interviews” YOU need not Anymore!

Interviews give some people jitters and sleepless nights…

The latest I heard was an Engineering student locking herself up in a bathroom protecting herself from the pains of a mock interview session on the campus.

Anyway, after all my interviews and talking to managers at the rate of 5-15 a day, I have come to a hopefully insightful stage in my life where I love interviews and we all need to love this poor thing called “A Job interview.”

In this write-up, I make an attempt to give my friends a few workable techniques and define why we need to reverse our thinking. 

1. Reverse your thinking and attitude: “I love Job Interviews…Job Interview is a great place to talk.”

Let me start with what one of the greatest geniuses Einstein had to say about knowing – I do not know everything, but I do know where to find it if I need to use it. If Einstein did not know everything then, we can also afford not to know everything. All I am trying to tell you is that you will be measured by your capability to comprehend, apply and practice management and not how information-wise you are.

Any organization that picks people on superficial knowledge like quiz masters will definitely suffer in the long run and such selection is not my forte.

And finally remember, if you are not selected, it is for your own good, as you will have a horrible time post-joining if the fitment is not exact.

Interview Tip No. 1: Relax because, for heaven’s sake, even you cannot know everything!

2. Reverse your thinking & attitude: “Job Interview is an energizing great activity

9 Solid Interview techniquesSecond, normally anyone who talks about himself is loathed and termed as an egomaniac.

But, at the same, time every one of us likes to speak about ourselves when given an opportunity.

 Just think for once, Interview is a venue where people are all geared to hear about you, your career, and your achievement meaning this is fun without the tag egomaniac unless you overdo it and kill your own interview.

 “I love Interviews…A Job Interview is an energizing great activity... I get paid more for talking about myself.”

Probably, this is the only place in the world where we get paid more to talk about ourselves.  Imagine what fun!

Interview Tip No. 2: Think that a Job interview is an energizing great activity. All people want is to know about you and pay you more if you do it right.

One insight I can share with you about senior professionals, achievers, is that they can coolly walk into any job interview anytime and walk away with the job. The sole reason is that they have the right soft skills for any interaction, and it also means that they love interviews or discussions.

3. Power your Interview: “I just love to achieve; I delivered before and will deliver this time.”

Normally people speak without much thinking about what they speak, thinking that it is the greatest pitch in the world to get a job. Well, we need to be a little bit specific here. I suggest a very old sales technique here which many have used and succeeded. To demonstrate, if you are a fresher, you will face questions like: Where did you do your summer project? It looks like a pretty harmless question but the right answer in the form of a power statement can mold your destiny. I am producing a few probable responses: First One, “I did my summers with HSBC Bank” OR

Alternatively, “I did my summers with HSBC Bank, a global banking major” OR

Third One, “I did my summers with HSBC Bank, a global banking major, and I bought in funds (deposit) of USD 5 million in two months as a part of direct sales team”.

If you have read the above options, the last answer is the best because it is a power statement that is likely to power your job interview positively.

Think of yourself as a product with attributes and benefits.

Then, keep a handy set of power statements on your achievements that are relevant and of use to your prospective employer.

This is likely to create a more positive impact than any other technique.

Here, you need to prepare a few statements of your past achievements and practice them out loud.

Interview Tip No. 3: Power your interview with plenty of power statements.

4. Control & Direct your Job Interview: “I love to talk about my Relevant Achievements and Strengths.”

Once, I was interviewing for a Senior Client Servicing (Sales & Marketing) Position for an MNC brand and the interviewed lady when asked about her achievements told me that she had won some prestigious international recipe contest.

Our conversation there veered toward recipes and the food quality in Kathmandu restaurants. My knowledge of recipes and the right place to eat was refreshed and blessed.

I did try to veer out of our recipe session and talk about branding. But she was relentless on recipes…Thanks to that lady.

But did she land the job? Hell…No.  Now, we were not looking for a “Chef”.

The point I am making here is that you can direct and control the kind of discussion that will take place in your interview. Always mention achievements and experience that match the prospective employer’s list.

The employer, when giving you a chance to speak, is only wanting to know “With your past experience what can you do for us “. 

Interview Tip No. 4: Do not direct your interview to irrelevant experience or weaknesses.

5. Take charge of the golden opportunities: “I love the questions you ask, I’m prepared.”

Most of the questions that are asked can be anticipated. These are the golden opportunities. Most interviews start off with a warm-up question like “Tell me about yourself”.

Personally, I love this question and I do come prepared with this one thoroughly.

The most likely next is also “What do you know about our company ?“. With websites online, you would be stupid enough not to be able to mesmerize your interviewer with how much you know about his company.

I literally had to stop one candidate and I admitted there are things that he knows more about my company than I do as an employee.

Then, I inquired how he managed to be so informed. ” Sir, I just copied the company website, did a cut-paste job into my computer, printed it out, and read it like a prayer every morning.”

Wow, we recruited him, and he performed well. Currently, he is in the US as a senior manager.

9 Solid Interview techniquesImportantly, if you are good in those first two minutes…. Only two minutes can decide your fate…

You can help your job interviewer decide positively on your candidature in two minutes like a Chinese noodle pack.

But if the job interviewer has a negative inkling about your candidature or has some doubts about your capabilities, then, the questions that are difficult will raise their heads.

One of my friends was asked about Municipality laws when he was being interviewed for the Head of Economics department post.

Later, we realized that the interview panel member who raised these questions was siding with another candidate through tacit understanding.

But this is an unlikely situation in most private sector job interviews. Below, I produce a set of questions that you need to prepare for in advance; basic yet the most important.

The Golden Opportunities….in a JOB Interview!

Always in an Interview, there are warm-up questions, anticipate and prepare. Here is a foolproof small list.

      • Tell us about yourself.9 Solid Interview techniques
      • Tell us about your organization.
      • What do you know about us?
      • How do you fit the role?
      • Why should we give you the job?
      • What can you do for us?
      • Why did you choose this career?
      • Tell us how you motivate your team etc…
      • How do you see yourself in the next 5 or 10 years?
      • Tell us about one achievement in your life.

    You can add to the list but keep it to basics and it does not need a Harvard Graduate to do so.

    Here, I would like to share something very interesting. One of my clients in Mumbai had an 89-story complex project in Bandra. I was entrusted to interview engineers for the project from the Senior to Middle level.

    After the warm-up sessions, I had to check their technical competence as civil engineers. One way was to ask basic questions on measurement which is a must-have skill in civil engineering.

    Let me share a simple question, “How do we measure the volume of a Right Circular Cylinder?”

    You will be surprised to know that at least 50 % failed to answer some of these basic technical questions.

    Interview Tip  No. 5:  For God’s sake at least know the answer to these basic questions if you are serious about your job change.

    6. Smile & Smile & Smile: A Happy Person is a successful person…

    When I was a school kid studying in Class 10, our family friend (Mr. Mathur, a top-ranking IAS bureaucrat in Delhi) came to visit us. Mr. Mathur was on various boards of selection (Recruitment).

    During the course of his visit, a young student, Carolina, also dropped by as she was my neighbor.

    Carolina had topped a very reputed national university in Political Science master’s program that summer. Mr. Mathur congratulated Carolina on her excellent performance and enquired about her future plans.

    The young woman proudly announced that she is an IAS aspirant. The young university topper left after conversing about how to prepare for IAS for some time. Post Carol’s departure, I asked Mr. Mathur what he thinks about Carolina’s chance of passing the IAS exam. 

    Mr. Mathur to my shock said “Nil…Zero”.

    “A University Topper cannot get through the IAS Exam, …?” I asked Mr. Mathur.

    An unhappy upset face is not right!

    Mr. Mathur replied, ” I did not see her smile at all and she looks so arrogant “. True to Mr. Mathur’s prediction Carolina quit trying for IAS after three attempts … This was a lesson learned early in life for me.

    Aha! Smiling is very important and a must!

    • So, remember to enter the interview room with a smile, and keep on a pleasant smile. (that exudes confidence and not vain pride or ego)
    • Do not smirk or give the irritated look even when irritated and never ever give the high and mighty look or your interview will be over in that fleeting second.
    • And at the end of the job interview, bring in a sunshine smile and offer the most grateful “Thank You” that you can conjure like a magician…

    Interview Tip No. 6: Smile, it does not cost you a penny, make the atmosphere happy and lively…

    7. Be dressed for the occasion.

    “92% of US Adults fear Job Interviews” but YOU need not Anymore!. This will guide you with 9 Easy steps to a positive Job Interview. All your fears will disappear. Read Now

    Being Well Dressed means you mean Business.

    Wear a tie if the culture demands it. Wear a suit if required. It shows that you are serious… and you mean business.

    Job Interviewers always love a well-dressed interviewee.

    But never dress in anything that you are uncomfortable with.

    It is going to be very negative as it will make you feel awkward and conscious of yourself all the time. 

    Check with friends if required if a particular dress is working.

    Interview Tip No. 7: Dress properly and try out your attire in front of a mirror. Love yourself.

    8. Economics of Demand and Supply…Create a sense of scarcity!

    Now, let me tell you something about demand and supply and your attitude. An economist knows high supply, less demand, and low price. A recruiter also knows low supply, high demand, and high price.

    Obviously, if you are an experienced professional, you know what I am talking about. One, what expectation do you quote? and two, how hard do you play, and is it worthwhile?

    I am answering the first one first. Please quote a hike/expectation which is grounded in reality. Here, you can put in some research to find out the compensation levels in the organization that you plan to join.

    And quite a realistic hike so that you at least make it to the next interview rounds. This will ensure that you are at least shortlisted for a second interview.

    The Second one is more important, recruiting organizations are not too keen to recruit candidates who are ready to move anytime-anywhere-anyplace-any cost.

    The reason is that you can do the same upon joining your new organization and you may be a non-performer in your present organization and so looking for a change.

    You can quip something like this: ” I am not very keen on a change as I am happy with my current organization, but I am still exploring possibilities.” So, it is quite worth playing hard to get a little. But, don’t go overboard, though.

    Interview Tip No.  8: You are only exploring possibilities…You are a scarce resource!

    Insider tip: Recruiters love to steal good resources from their competitors… and post a statement like the one I gave you above, you might find that the recruiter might actively pursue you to change your mind.

    “92% of US Adults fear Job Interviews” but YOU need not Anymore! This will guide you with 9 Easy steps to a positive Job Interview. All your fears will disappear. Read Now

    9. Never be late or too early!

    9 Solid Interview techniques

    Interview Tip No. 9: A very important one. Be on time for your interview. Never ever be late.

    Now that “You love Interviews …And you know the rules…You are going to be a confirmed winner”.

    Cheers, and Best of Luck to your new journey in landing the next higher role.


    Alok Baruah is a Senior experienced Marketing Communications- Human Resources- Academic professional with wide, rich, and diverse experiences in Management, Entrepreneurship & Academics. Blogging is his passion and first love. Currently, Alok Baruah is a serial entrepreneur and owner of Campion A1. The author can be reached at: [email protected]


    Established in 2010, Campion A1 is one of oldest tuition center in Tezpur. Over the past 14 years, Campion A1 has transformed the lives of hundreds of students in their pursuit of a better career.

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    Master the Qualities of a CEO – Enhance Your Skills Today

    Qualities of a CEO

    Qualities of a CEO – Acquire the right skills Now!

    Master the Qualities of a CEO – Enhance Your Skills Today

    In order to excel as a CEO, it is crucial to acquire the right skills. The qualities of a successful CEO encompass strong leadership, strategic thinking, effective communication, and adaptability. By honing these skills, aspiring CEOs can pave their path towards success and drive their organizations to new heights. Start developing these essential qualities today to become a formidable CEO.

    Qualities of a CEO – Acquire the right skills Now!

    Read on and “You” can be the “Next CEO” like:

    Google’s Sundar Pichai, Microsoft Bill Gates, Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg, YouTube’s Susan Wojcicki, PepsiCo’s Indra Nooyi, Tesla’s Elon Musk, Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, Google’s Larry Page, Netflix’s Reed Hastings, WordPress’s Matthew Charles Mullenweg, Amazon’s Andy Jassy, Microsoft’s Satya Nadella…

    Senior Manager Must Have Skills, You need these Qualities to be a CEO! 

    Acquire them Now! Hone Your Skills!

    Everyone dreams and desires to garner, cultivate and nourish the key qualities, skills, and traits that make a successful senior professional. A CEO role is the dream of all aspiring managers. In this write-up, I draw upon my past experiences as a senior manager, recruiting senior managers, and my association with a prestigious Indian university. 

    The qualities (In bold below) are based on “Employability Research conducted in India and Abroad” which is open to debate and I have partly agreed and disagreed. Friends, please note that the views expressed are my personal ones. I have also drawn some insightful thoughts from Gallup’s Global Research on CEOs and Senior Manager Qualities that I passionately treasure hunted for in my recruiting career.

    2. Sensitivity to society, environment, ethics, and human values:…

    “As a leader, it is important not to just see your own success. But focus on the success of others” # Sundar Pichai, CEO, of Google

    Without this one, the human values and sensitivity, there is no difference between my laptop and you. Have you ever experienced calling someone and ending up feeling as if you have landed in subzero Antarctica?

    Yes!!!!!!  Yes!!!!! I am referring to the remoteness and coldness that afflict the corporate world.

    It is sometimes misread as professionalism and sometimes practiced by some senior managers to instill fear, but this is a universal fallacy.  Professionalism as I read it is the art to do things the better way every time in business. 

    So, it does mean that you make the other person feel worse even in a telecon but rather, it should energize you. The supreme truth is that you cannot lead without the others in your team or understanding the other individuals and offering some empathy if not sympathy all the way to the top.

    You might be called “Chainsaw Jack” as one CEO was called for his ruthlessness. Not a title I aspire for.

    I laugh when people join a charity or give alms when they I know are cold to their junior or colleague’s personal problems afflicting work and genuine failure to deliver work as it harms his or her targets. So much so for professionalism. 

    The goal here is to become a “Fully Functional (Humane) Manager” as it pays rich dividends in life and not only in one’s career.

    No wonder, a “Gallup” global research voted “A Caring Boss” to the top of the charts as a quality that juniors prefer the most in a Boss.

    3. General Management Capabilities:

    “If you don’t understand the details of your business, You are going to fail”  #Jeff Bezos, Founder, of Amazon

    Across domains, sectors, and industries, one fundamental prerequisite for all senior and middle-level openings is the capability to understand business in its entirety.

    You may not be able to balance a balance sheet in a year, but you should be able to read PAT and PBT. Better still if you know how to increase your PAT without incurring any more bludgeoning overheads. 

    You need to know how the various little bit and parts join to form a live and dynamic business.

    You are not a dead end but a part of the entirety. Cultivate an active interest in what the others are doing as you already know what to do with your function and that is why you have been anchored to a job in that function and not the next higher role.

    The trick is to outgrow one’s responsibilities fast and enlarge them to the next higher plane. Grow your general management abilities fast and try to know the details.

    4. Specialization & con-temporariness – Acquire advanced domain competency:

    “The more successful you are, the more you need to learn and grow. Your commitment to learning has to be continuous and unrelenting” #John Donahue, CEO, Nike, eBay

    Some professionals are so engrossed with what they know, and that complacency sets in in terms of contemporariness updating.

    For instance, an engineer can be perfect in the execution of a 20,000 crores power project but when you ask him about the financials or business development pros and cons, you will draw an entire blank. One was not even able to tell me even by gut feeling how much one MW will cost (Solar -roughly 4 crores rupees, Thermal- 7 to 8 crores rupees, etc.) on that particular day.

    You need to keep abreast with the recent development in your specialties’ also. General and technical skills are required for every senior profile. To deliver the right combination, you need to understand how these two types of competencies fit into your organization’s competency architecture. 

    Here I am referring to technical competencies. Technical competencies describe the knowledge, skills, and or abilities required to fulfill job tasks, duties, and responsibilities. Technology-related skills are essential for many senior positions. Therefore, developing technical competence is crucial for you.

    Always be a lifelong learner without fail and keep acquiring advanced domain competencies, anticipate and develop technical skills every day.

    5. Industry-linked, and ready for first-month first-quarter productivity post- joining: Your Delivery in Time!…

    “Always Deliver More than Expected” # Larry Page, Co-founder of Google

    For the experienced, the normal yardstick is that of relevant experience. No organization in the private sector would like to incur a ramp-up cost for any new senior recruit.  None will wait for months for you to start delivering. So, your relevant experience is the most relevant in most placements.

    Initially, your cultural fit with the organization’s value system, ethos, philosophy, and beliefs will be assessed. Second, you will be evaluated based on your understanding of the sector-industry domain, your professional skills, and your leadership skills. These are vital factors. Furthermore, you will be evaluated according to how much you will contribute in the immediate near future.

    If you aspire for a senior role, you need to impress your employer or prospective employer on all of the above criteria.

    Plus, be ready to deliver from the first month, the first quarter, culminating in a wonderful yearly performance.  

    If you have been performing well in your current role, you need to convince prospective employers that you can also excel in a senior role. But do not create expectations as over-expectation and under-delivery will harm you in the future.

    In the junior and middle level, shifting gears and changing functions, domains, and industry is a huge task unless the recruiter is in love with you. All the recruitment is like a transplant of one heart with another considering business is live and dynamic. In this case, you have to be industry-linked, and ready for first-day first-hour productivity post-joining the role…

    If you’ve been job searching as a fresher in a domain, you always face a chicken and egg situation: no experience, no job, and no job means there will be no experience.

    Personally, I differ on this as I believe that a person from another domain expands the total knowledge of an organization and at times can be exponentially productive as he or she might give up the downtrodden path that we hung on to sacredly like the holy grail.

    In the first place, we need to welcome freshers as they bring in new energy. Plus, one of the key advantages is they can be easily retained for a while and bring new drive and enthusiasm into a business function.

    6. International exposure & Global perspective:  Qualities of a CEO 

    Cross-culture exposure always enhances your insight into the economy, business, markets, and consumers. This is valued as you have worked in a place where you become an outsider.

    Yet, you must unravel the finer mechanics of sociological, economic and political systems of that society at the micro and macro level; then, design and deliver, make your business profitable. It is quite a challenge as the language, culture, and socio-economic make-up that we know in India is wiped off the slate clean.

    Now, when you understand others, you increasingly understand one better.

    Similarly, if you are exposed to a foreign market then you can understand the home economy and market much better as you now have a benchmark to compare. Even consumer insights that you were aware of earlier will become more meaningful.

    A stint abroad is necessary for all aspirers of senior roles. And to be a global CEO, you need exposure to continents…

    7. Strong analysis & application orientation:

    There are three steps of learningknowing, understanding, and then, the capability to apply and practice what you know and understand…

    For example, you might know that brand positioning is important, then you can understand “How to position a brand?“, and finally you execute a brand positioning in New York, Amsterdam, Nairobi, or Mumbai. The last is the most important.

    Let me give you another example, you know forgiveness is good; then you understand that by the act of forgiving another, you release yourself of the vengeance and pain, the ultimate skill is to really forgive someone.

    So, the application of knowledge is the key to business success and that is a harmonic catalyst that resides only in the best of the best professionals across the globe.

    8. Strategic Decision Making at the Right Time: Research Driven?… Qualities of a CEO 

    “All of my best decisions in business and in life have been made with heart, intuition, guts… not analysis” emphasizes Jeff Bezos, Founder, of Amazon

    Please do not read this as academic research. An academic Ph.D. can help you teach, not train nor for that matter run a business or a business function. Here, research represents the desire and initiative to supplement one’s knowledge with facts, and figures; using them analytically helps in the decision-making process effectively and efficiently.

    But it is not good for any business to conduct one-year research to land in a new market, and that is the limit of idiosyncrasy. The next step is insanity and not a competitive business.

    Remarkably interesting research was conducted on who attains the CEO position among 1) Research Oriented Managers with strong academic backgrounds, 2) Average Managers with average academic achievements, and 3) Mediocre Managers.

    Among these, the Research Wala never made it to the top.  The mediocre also failed to score. Surprisingly, the average always came out on top based on his ability to decide using limited information.
    “Move fast and Break Things. Unless you are breaking stuff, you are not moving fast enough” opines Mark Zuckerberg, CEO, of Facebook

    Research-oriented categories take much longer to make decisions because they require a great deal more information. It is unavoidable for the mediocre to make the wrong decision or to make no decision at all. An average person would gather all the information fast and then decide based on the limited information he had.

    The skill I am referring to is decision-making time taken by you given a set of limited information and time-limit. 

    9. Entrepreneur’s mindset of innovation and risk-taking: Qualities of a CEO 

    I doubt this in India though but may be true in the West. Indian business once into take-off mode abhors risk. Try a domain or an industry move. You will only probably get a job in a year, so much so for the risk-taking and entrepreneurial mindset of Indian Business.

    But, as an employee, you can be innovative like an entrepreneur but with too much risk-taking I doubt if allowed. You might end up being shown the door at times. Trust me, I have first-hand experience.


    Alok Baruah is a Senior Level experienced  Marketing Communications- Human Resources- Academic Professional with wide, rich, and diverse experiences in Management, Entrepreneurship & Academics as CEO, Account Director, Director -Planning, and Professor. Blogging is his passion and first love. Currently, he owns Campion A1.


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    1. Superior communication, personality and professional life skills:.

     “You cannot over-invest in written and oral communication skills”  # Indra Nooyi, CEO, PepsiCo

    Most of us invariably believe we are OK in communication skills. Some of us are so ego-maniacally proud of our abilities to communicate. Then there are those who consider themselves the number one expert in communication. All these are myopias fatal in action in terms of your career.

    My dear friend, please get out of that illusion fast and you will see the ground reality. Because someone is always one up on you.

    Spoken words are read before they are spoken, and also between, beyond, and inside words.

    My past work demands interaction with senior professionals thru the mail, in person, or via telecon. But do I need to tell you that their communication by mail or telecon reminds me of school children scrawling on the walls at home or talking to a goon sometimes? I normally laugh and treat these goons respectfully with the word “Sir” laced into a sentence two times religiously.

    It is a shocker at times to realize that the other person is so selfishly thoughtless in his communication.

    You need to fine-tune your communication all the time or it will fall flat like the MW stations in India. Communication is the key to a career that really takes off but do not please hallucinate that it represents a person who speaks all the time. Beware of such a person and keep off. It will harm your career more than your laziness.

    The variants of English I hear are something like this in India – Bengali English, Punjabi English, A Bihari English, Tamilian English (Kalculation), Keralite English (English in Malayalee…ha…reminds me of my school teachers in Don Bosco), An Assamese Englis (with a missing sh), etc…

    In the international arena, it is much more varied, prime British accent -the arrogant public-school Wala, casual and cool howdy-American types, the serious German accent… you name it, you can have it. My first-hand experience with international accents made me interested in judging a person’s nationality based on their accent. 

    The target is to hone it to a nicety and minimize accent and make it “premium business class”. This one is a challenge like dropping one’s surname.

    2. Sensitivity to society, environment, ethics, and human values:…

    “As a leader, it is important not to just see your own success. But focus on the success of others” # Sundar Pichai, CEO, of Google

    Without this one, the human values and sensitivity, there is no difference between my laptop and you. Have you ever experienced calling someone and ending up feeling as if you have landed in subzero Antarctica?

    Yes!!!!!!  Yes!!!!! I am referring to the remoteness and coldness that afflict the corporate world.

    It is sometimes misread as professionalism and sometimes practiced by some senior managers to instill fear, but this is a universal fallacy.  Professionalism as I read it is the art to do things the better way every time in business. 

    So, it does mean that you make the other person feel worse even in a telecon but rather, it should energize you. The supreme truth is that you cannot lead without the others in your team or understanding the other individuals and offering some empathy if not sympathy all the way to the top.

    You might be called “Chainsaw Jack” as one CEO was called for his ruthlessness. Not a title I aspire for.

    I laugh when people join a charity or give alms when they I know are cold to their junior or colleague’s personal problems afflicting work and genuine failure to deliver work as it harms his or her targets. So much so for professionalism. 

    The goal here is to become a “Fully Functional (Humane) Manager” as it pays rich dividends in life and not only in one’s career.

    No wonder, a “Gallup” global research voted “A Caring Boss” to the top of the charts as a quality that juniors prefer the most in a Boss.

    3. General Management Capabilities:

    “If you don’t understand the details of your business, You are going to fail”  #Jeff Bezos, Founder, of Amazon

    Across domains, sectors, and industries, one fundamental prerequisite for all senior and middle-level openings is the capability to understand business in its entirety.

    You may not be able to balance a balance sheet in a year, but you should be able to read PAT and PBT. Better still if you know how to increase your PAT without incurring any more bludgeoning overheads. 

    You need to know how the various little bit and parts join to form a live and dynamic business.

    You are not a dead end but a part of the entirety. Cultivate an active interest in what the others are doing as you already know what to do with your function and that is why you have been anchored to a job in that function and not the next higher role.

    The trick is to outgrow one’s responsibilities fast and enlarge them to the next higher plane. Grow your general management abilities fast and try to know the details.

    4. Specialization & con-temporariness – Acquire advanced domain competency:

    “The more successful you are, the more you need to learn and grow. Your commitment to learning has to be continuous and unrelenting” #John Donahue, CEO, Nike, eBay

    Some professionals are so engrossed with what they know, and that complacency sets in in terms of contemporariness updating.

    For instance, an engineer can be perfect in the execution of a 20,000 crores power project but when you ask him about the financials or business development pros and cons, you will draw an entire blank. One was not even able to tell me even by gut feeling how much one MW will cost (Solar -roughly 4 crores rupees, Thermal- 7 to 8 crores rupees, etc.) on that particular day.

    You need to keep abreast with the recent development in your specialties’ also. General and technical skills are required for every senior profile. To deliver the right combination, you need to understand how these two types of competencies fit into your organization’s competency architecture. 

    Here I am referring to technical competencies. Technical competencies describe the knowledge, skills, and or abilities required to fulfill job tasks, duties, and responsibilities. Technology-related skills are essential for many senior positions. Therefore, developing technical competence is crucial for you.

    Always be a lifelong learner without fail and keep acquiring advanced domain competencies, anticipate and develop technical skills every day.

    5. Industry-linked, and ready for first-month first-quarter productivity post- joining: Your Delivery in Time!…

    “Always Deliver More than Expected” # Larry Page, Co-founder of Google

    For the experienced, the normal yardstick is that of relevant experience. No organization in the private sector would like to incur a ramp-up cost for any new senior recruit.  None will wait for months for you to start delivering. So, your relevant experience is the most relevant in most placements.

    Initially, your cultural fit with the organization’s value system, ethos, philosophy, and beliefs will be assessed. Second, you will be evaluated based on your understanding of the sector-industry domain, your professional skills, and your leadership skills. These are vital factors. Furthermore, you will be evaluated according to how much you will contribute in the immediate near future.

    If you aspire for a senior role, you need to impress your employer or prospective employer on all of the above criteria.

    Plus, be ready to deliver from the first month, the first quarter, culminating in a wonderful yearly performance.  

    If you have been performing well in your current role, you need to convince prospective employers that you can also excel in a senior role. But do not create expectations as over-expectation and under-delivery will harm you in the future.

    In the junior and middle level, shifting gears and changing functions, domains, and industry is a huge task unless the recruiter is in love with you. All the recruitment is like a transplant of one heart with another considering business is live and dynamic. In this case, you have to be industry-linked, and ready for first-day first-hour productivity post-joining the role…

    If you’ve been job searching as a fresher in a domain, you always face a chicken and egg situation: no experience, no job, and no job means there will be no experience.

    Personally, I differ on this as I believe that a person from another domain expands the total knowledge of an organization and at times can be exponentially productive as he or she might give up the downtrodden path that we hung on to sacredly like the holy grail.

    In the first place, we need to welcome freshers as they bring in new energy. Plus, one of the key advantages is they can be easily retained for a while and bring new drive and enthusiasm into a business function.

    6. International exposure & Global perspective:  Qualities of a CEO 

    Cross-culture exposure always enhances your insight into the economy, business, markets, and consumers. This is valued as you have worked in a place where you become an outsider.

    Yet, you must unravel the finer mechanics of sociological, economic and political systems of that society at the micro and macro level; then, design and deliver, make your business profitable. It is quite a challenge as the language, culture, and socio-economic make-up that we know in India is wiped off the slate clean.

    Now, when you understand others, you increasingly understand one better.

    Similarly, if you are exposed to a foreign market then you can understand the home economy and market much better as you now have a benchmark to compare. Even consumer insights that you were aware of earlier will become more meaningful.

    A stint abroad is necessary for all aspirers of senior roles. And to be a global CEO, you need exposure to continents…

    7. Strong analysis & application orientation:

    There are three steps of learningknowing, understanding, and then, the capability to apply and practice what you know and understand…

    For example, you might know that brand positioning is important, then you can understand “How to position a brand?“, and finally you execute a brand positioning in New York, Amsterdam, Nairobi, or Mumbai. The last is the most important.

    Let me give you another example, you know forgiveness is good; then you understand that by the act of forgiving another, you release yourself of the vengeance and pain, the ultimate skill is to really forgive someone.

    So, the application of knowledge is the key to business success and that is a harmonic catalyst that resides only in the best of the best professionals across the globe.

    8. Strategic Decision Making at the Right Time: Research Driven?… Qualities of a CEO 

    “All of my best decisions in business and in life have been made with heart, intuition, guts… not analysis” emphasizes Jeff Bezos, Founder, of Amazon

    Please do not read this as academic research. An academic Ph.D. can help you teach, not train nor for that matter run a business or a business function. Here, research represents the desire and initiative to supplement one’s knowledge with facts, and figures; using them analytically helps in the decision-making process effectively and efficiently.

    But it is not good for any business to conduct one-year research to land in a new market, and that is the limit of idiosyncrasy. The next step is insanity and not a competitive business.

    Remarkably interesting research was conducted on who attains the CEO position among 1) Research Oriented Managers with strong academic backgrounds, 2) Average Managers with average academic achievements, and 3) Mediocre Managers.

    Among these, the Research Wala never made it to the top.  The mediocre also failed to score. Surprisingly, the average always came out on top based on his ability to decide using limited information.
    “Move fast and Break Things. Unless you are breaking stuff, you are not moving fast enough” opines Mark Zuckerberg, CEO, of Facebook

    Research-oriented categories take much longer to make decisions because they require a great deal more information. It is unavoidable for the mediocre to make the wrong decision or to make no decision at all. An average person would gather all the information fast and then decide based on the limited information he had.

    The skill I am referring to is decision-making time taken by you given a set of limited information and time-limit. 

    9. Entrepreneur’s mindset of innovation and risk-taking: Qualities of a CEO 

    I doubt this in India though but may be true in the West. Indian business once into take-off mode abhors risk. Try a domain or an industry move. You will only probably get a job in a year, so much so for the risk-taking and entrepreneurial mindset of Indian Business.

    But, as an employee, you can be innovative like an entrepreneur but with too much risk-taking I doubt if allowed. You might end up being shown the door at times. Trust me, I have first-hand experience.


    Alok Baruah is a Senior Level experienced  Marketing Communications- Human Resources- Academic Professional with wide, rich, and diverse experiences in Management, Entrepreneurship & Academics as CEO, Account Director, Director -Planning, and Professor. Blogging is his passion and first love. Currently, he owns Campion A1.


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